In case you missed it / ; By Littman, Sarah,

Format:Sammy Wallach has great plans for the end of her junior year: some killer flirting and a few white lies. Sammy thought she had all things covered until the bank her dad works for is attacked by hacktivists. They manage to steal everything in the family's private cloud, including Sammy's entire digital life.
Physical Details: 305 pages ; 22 cm
Record No.:369588
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F LIT Bluefield High School 2022-11-14 BLUE29465
02. English Fiction F LIT Somerset Elementary School 2023-06-12 KESX7087
02. English Fiction F LIT Summerside Intermediate School 2021-06-21 SISX50841
02. English Fiction F LIT Summerside Intermediate School 2021-06-21 SISX50724
02. English Fiction F LIT Queen Charlotte Intermediate School 2023-11-28 QCHS22152
02. English Fiction F LIT Miscouche Consolidated School 2023-04-20 msxx10149
02. English Fiction F LIT Montague Regional High School 2017-10-11 MONT19434